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Monday, May 3, 2010

As said on 09 April 2010
wave 3 total points 593....
now 4th down might possibly with tgts of....
593*38.2% = 226 ...5398-226=5172
593*50% = 296 ...5398-296=5102
593*61.8% = 366 ...5398-366= 5032

so 5172 was the tgt and it touched 5161.....
now ..
if this 4th wave taken as A B C
5398-5161 = 237 which should be taken as A
5161 to 5342 = 181 ( 80 % of A) which should be taken as B
5342 to 5198= 144 ( 80 % of B)which should be taken as C

If C is not yet completed @ 5198 then tgt for this leg would be

1)100% Of B ...means 5342 - 181 = 5161
2)161.8% of B ...Means 5342 - 292 = 5050
3)261.8% of B ....means 5342- 473 = 4869

If C is completed @ 5198...
nifty is in its final 5th wave......
tgs for this leg as follow..
1)61.8% of 4th wave = 237 = 146....so 5198*146 = 5344
2)80% of 4th wave = 237 = 189....so 5198+189 = 5387
3)161.8% of 4th wave = 237 ..... so 5198+383= 5581

so for trading...
one should buy @ cmp with sl @ 5198...for tgt of 5344/5387/5581
one should short with sl 5344 for tgt of 5161/5050/4869