the calls given on 'QUOTE nQUOTE' box hit the tgt except was golden day for the followers of .....
For today loking blobal cues and y'days almost 3% downward journey I am expecting some upside ...but will it sustain???....again I say short on sl is 4215 on closing basis....
today 4215 is tough to cross..yes there are more hurdles befor that also...but 4215 is important point to watch out for next if it crossed 4148 then we might see 4179...even 4205/4215..
for today options are
1).if opened near y'day's closing level one may think to go long @ opening with 4102 as sl ...tgt will be 4148 and 4179.....
2) if gap up and near 4148 go long with sl 4124.....tgt 4179/4205.....
3)if gap up and near 4179..then wait for clear signal... we might get sell signal here....if not wait to streatch it uo to 4195/4205 level ...and go short there with sl 4215...
4) if gap up strongly and 4205 in first 15 minutes go short with final @ 4250....ya here sl is far away considering intraday trading....
5)for positional shorts 4250 is sl and for positional longs 4095 is sl....
6) if short position near 4200 and if today's close is below 4155 carry shorts else cover it....
7) considering y'day's fall and global cues most of the time we will be in green but to catch either colour might be dificult considering risk if you have got enough y'day remain sideways today..!
8) other strategy other than these must be considered after opening and observing momentum....
For today support @ 4102/4095/4060.......resistance @ 4155/4179/4205/4215...
good luck!
Those who are regularly visiting here I am expecting comments by will help me to improve....