As it is always said that stock market is very uncertain and dangerous game, but at the same time nobody wants to quite it.Every day comes wioth new method and with new hopes and trader sits in front of terminal with 'ready to loose' mentality 'rather than sitting for gain' mentality. Here I am expecting some views on this topic whether trading can assure returns per annum???
I think, yes it is possible but for that discipline, clear thought about what I am doing , clear theory and mindset, exact expectations about yield, and clear thought about risk ability is required.
Generally trader always try to ignore what he has lost and tries to project what he had tried and which trades he had done positively.
One should keep balance sheet for his trading. That should be reviewed daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly basis.
If there is loss on daily balance sheet that should be make over in weekly balance sheet...if loss in weekly balance sheet that should be make over in monthly balance sheet....this method must be followed strictly...
Applying this method one should get clear picture about where he is ! And once he gets clearer picture about what he has to recover in a stipulated period ....and can stick for that view...
At the same time one should not take it as he has to cover in a particular period...cause this will influence his trade emotionally and will force him to take the position though there is not surity about returns...in other words though risk reward is not in favour these emotions will force him to initiate the trade.
For this one should keep patience ...wait to get the situation in favour of his trade exactly....till then one should strictly avoid any trade...
I think before going to chart etc...one should discipline his mentality as well as thinking process. Because though one get knowledge about market behaviour its applying method is very important thing and success lies there only!
I think, yes it is possible but for that discipline, clear thought about what I am doing , clear theory and mindset, exact expectations about yield, and clear thought about risk ability is required.
Generally trader always try to ignore what he has lost and tries to project what he had tried and which trades he had done positively.
One should keep balance sheet for his trading. That should be reviewed daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly basis.
If there is loss on daily balance sheet that should be make over in weekly balance sheet...if loss in weekly balance sheet that should be make over in monthly balance sheet....this method must be followed strictly...
Applying this method one should get clear picture about where he is ! And once he gets clearer picture about what he has to recover in a stipulated period ....and can stick for that view...
At the same time one should not take it as he has to cover in a particular period...cause this will influence his trade emotionally and will force him to take the position though there is not surity about returns...in other words though risk reward is not in favour these emotions will force him to initiate the trade.
For this one should keep patience ...wait to get the situation in favour of his trade exactly....till then one should strictly avoid any trade...
I think before going to chart etc...one should discipline his mentality as well as thinking process. Because though one get knowledge about market behaviour its applying method is very important thing and success lies there only!