For today....3614 is first resistance and my sl for positional short calls given y'day on my "QUOTE nQUOTE"box..(OF COURSE SL IS ON CLOSING BASIS).....if it passes then 3635/3666 next point to watch.....and on lower levels 3560 is very important point to watch ..then as much discussed 3526/3493.......if 3493 breaks and close below then need not to cover shorts......
For today if it is below 3614 in first half an hour then go short with 3614 as sl.....for first tgt of 3560.....if gap down and not breaking 3560 then go long fot intra with 3560 as sl for tgt of 3595/3614.....if gap down and below 3560 watch trend for some time and go short with sl 3560.....see whether 3526 is protected if yes then cover short positions partially.....go long there with sl 3493....
Today support @ 3560/3526/3493.....resistance 3614/3635/3666
good luck!