calls given on 04/02/2009

- athshree (02/04/09 10:30:29 AM): sell tisco future @ 174.5...sl 178.8...tgt 169/166....open
- athshree (02/04/09 10:35:15 AM): sell bhell future @ 1335...sl 1346...tgt 1315/1285..open
- athshree (02/04/09 10:42:10 AM): SELL NIFTY @ 2810 SL 2825...TGT 2780/2765...proifit
- athshree (02/04/09 11:43:08 AM): hold all shorts...
- athshree (02/04/09 11:52:43 AM): sell sbi future @ 1100...sl 1110 ...tgt 1085/1065...profit
- athshree (02/04/09 12:46:34 PM): SELL RELIANCE CAPITAL FUTUE @ 377.5...SL 384...TGT 365/355...profit
- athshree (02/04/09 1:01:05 PM): can buy 2900 pe @ 164....tgt 190...profit
- athshree (02/04/09 1:19:01 PM): last few minutessssssssss.....???????
- athshree (02/04/09 3:15:59 PM): y'day's sell call icici bank and bharati and today's sell call in bhel and tisco carry...
total calls...6
intraday profit...4
intraday success rate...100%
imp....though sl seems hit it was told to client to hold all short ......
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